This month we are celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15). E-E Library Services and The BOOK IT Team! are featuring three books exploring life in the Hispanic community, both fiction and non-fiction For older readers, Esperanza Rising follows the story of a 12-year-old girl, born on a ranch in Mexico, and her family of immigrant farmworkers during the Great Depression. My Name is Gabito shares the life of famed writer Gabriel García Márquez and complements the tale with beautiful illustrations. Become friends with the boogeyman under your bed after reading El Cucy is Scared, Too!.
Congratulations to LBJ Elementary’s 2021-2022 Student Council Officers.
Come join us tonight at our EEHS Fall Parent's Night at 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Ms. Tijerina, Principal will meet with parents at the North Cafeteria to provide Title 1 Campus Information. Parents will then meet with teachers in their classrooms. See you there!
SGE invites all our awesome parents to Fall Parent’s Night tomorrow Wednesday, October 13, 2021. We will have a Title I overview from 5:00-5:30pm and Open House from 5:30-7:00pm. We look forward to seeing you!
Santiago García Elementary sends A big THANK YOU to the Edcouch Fire Department for visiting our school and providing our students with a fantastic presentation on Fire Prevention. Our students learned about preventive actions , equipment used to fight fires, and had an educational tour of the fire trucks.
No School Monday, October 11, 2021 in observance of Columbus Day. See you Tuesday!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer. Join us as we RISE together to help uplift women in need.
Congratulations to our students who were elected as Student Council officers and Class Representatives last night at our EEHS induction ceremony. Special thank you to Justice of the Peace Jason Pena for the swearing-in of the new members.
Looking forward to seeing our LBJ Parents next week!
Watch how LBJ Super Readers explain Banned Books Week.
🍁Fall Parent’s Night🍁
🍁Fall Parent’s Night🍁
Edcouch-Elsa ISD Library News 2021
Attention: Edcouch-Elsa ISD Community
October 6, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This letter is to inform you that one of our students brought a fake gun to Ruben C. Rodriguez Elementary today. Our district is committed to the safety and education of all our students. We also want to clearly communicate with parents about safety issues when they arise.
The administration of the Ruben C. Rodriguez Elementary received this information early this morning. The student was immediately questioned, and the fake (replica) gun was recovered. At no time was the fake gun brought out at school or used to threaten other students.
The superintendent’s office and security were notified. The school will impose disciplinary measures. The student involved will be subject to school board policy and appropriate laws.
Please discuss this incident with your children and emphasize that it is against school and district rules to bring weapons (real or fake) of any type to school. Also, please emphasize the importance of telling you or a staff member if there is a suspected weapon at school. In this way, we are all working together to keep our children and schools safe.
Please feel free to call or email your campus if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely,
Greg Rodriguez
Dr. Greg Rodríguez Superintendent Edcouch-Elsa ISD
6 de octubre de 2021 Estimados padres / tutores:
Esta carta es para informarles que uno de nuestros estudiantes trajo un falsa arma a la Primaria Ruben C. Rodríguez hoy. Nuestro distrito está comprometido con la seguridad y educación de todos nuestros estudiantes. También queremos comunicarnos claramente con los padres sobre los problemas de seguridad cuando surjan.
La administración de la Primaria Rubén C. Rodríguez recibió esta información esta mañana temprano. El estudiante fue interrogado de inmediato y se recuperó la pistola falsa (réplica). En ningún momento se sacó la pistola falsa en la escuela ni se usó para amenazar a otros estudiantes.
Se notificó a la oficina del superintendente y seguridad. La escuela impondrá medidas disciplinarias. El estudiante involucrado estará sujeto a la política de la junta escolar y las leyes apropiadas.
Por favor discuta este incidente con sus hijos y enfatice que es contra las reglas de la escuela y del distrito traer armas (reales o falsas) de cualquier tipo a la escuela. Además, enfatice la importancia de decirle a usted oa un miembro del personal si hay un arma sospechosa en la escuela. De esta manera, todos estamos trabajando juntos para mantener seguros a nuestros niños y escuelas.
No dude en llamar o enviar un correo electrónico a su campus si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud.
Greg Rodriguez
Dr. Greg Rodríguez Superintendente Edcouch-Elsa ISD
Author Marcy Rodríguez-Garcia visiting with EEHS students today!
An educational superhero, superb multi-tasker & fixer of problems. An individual who loves to inspire and encourage. RCR can never thank you enough for your dedication to our students. Happy World Teachers' Day! 🥰
#TeamRCR #EEStrongerTogether #NoLimits!
Fire Prevention Presentation at LBJ:
We would like to give a big THANK YOU to the Elsa Fire Department for visiting our school and educating our students on fire safety. LBJ students enjoyed a valuable presentation and educational tour around the fire trucks.
LBJ Elementary: In celebration of National Custodians Day & School Security Day, we honored our hard working custodians and security guard for their hard work and dedication during these particularly challenging times. They not only keep our campus sparkling clean…their work keeps us all healthy and safe! We thank you and honor you on your special day!
#BlueUp for Bullying Prevention Month