We love our x-country teams, please watch out for them while driving.
Vaccination Clinic Happening Now!
Happening Now!!!
Future YellowJackets!!! Inviting all Jackets to our 6th Annual Building Champions Youth Football Camp
“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” -Pelé
#25 Safety Ryan Whalen
#19 Fullback Justin Galan
#52 Def. End Rey Hernandez
#78 Tackle Adrian Bernal
Edcouch-Elsa Cross Country
Practice Schedule:
•Monday- 7:00am
•Tuesday- 7:45am
•Wednesday- 7:45am
•Thursday- 7:00am
•Friday- 7:00am
Practice Schedule:
•Monday- 7:00am
•Tuesday- 7:45am
•Wednesday- 7:45am
•Thursday- 7:00am
•Friday- 7:00am
Attention YellowJacket Parents 🐝
Join us for the 2021 ALL Sports Strength & Conditioning Program.
All HS Boys Programs 9am - 11am
(10th - 12th)
All HS Girls Programs 2pm - 4pm
All Jr. High Athletes 2pm - 4pm
(incoming 7th to incoming 9th grades)
John F. Kennedy Math and Science Camp Week 2
Day 6
Jacket Strength 💪 75 strong this Afternoon Session. Come join us!